Marketing leads to growth and let’s be honest; that’s what we all want, right?

The problem is “build it and they will come” simply isn’t true. I’m sure that we all wish that it was, that way we would only need to focus on ensuring our business or product was right. One of the major principles to the success in any business is people knowing about you in the first instance and then being happy to share their good news story with family and friends.

This is where we can assist you.We provide a comprehensive, cost-effective marketing strategy, a plan that when enacted WILL contribute to the growth of your business. In a 12 month marketing plan, we will cover:

  • Brand refinement / Brand Evolution – aligned to your company mission statement or vision
  • SWOT Analysis – taking a good look at you and your competitors product?
  • Market Mix Analysis – who are your customers now and who should they be?
  • Distribution – what channels can be used to tell people about your business?
  • Customer Communication – what language will you use to talk up your product?
  • Campaign Stories – define the key messages to be communicated to your potential customers
  • 12 month action plan – focusing on quarters, will provide simple, cost effective activities your business can undertake to improve its brand-awareness.